Affiliation No: 931453
School No: 76468
peace school vengara

....nurturing world-class leaders

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....nurturing world-class leaders


Value Education-our USP

We realize that in order to develop a whole person who can keep pace with the 21st Century challenges, we have to empower children and their parents to hold on the moral and human values maintaining a balance between materialism and spiritualism and add value to lives by learning and seeking useful knowledge. Thus we offer a value integrated curriculum.

Lesson Plan linked to the Affective Domain of Bloom's Taxonomy enabling the learner to Internalize values going through 5 behavioral levels.

Emotional Intelligence-Our unique feature

Keeping in mind "Educating the brain without educating the heart is not an education at al", we have introduced our Emotional Intelligence (EI) Departmentlead by an experienced psychologist. EI refers to the ability to identify and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others and deal effectively with the environment/ surrounding. An emotionally intelligent individual is both highly conscious of his or her own emotional states, even negativity, frustration, sadness or something more, and able to identify and manage them. These people are also especially tuned into the emotions of others experience. It's easy to see how a sensitivity to emotional signals from within and from the social environment could make one a better friend, parent, leader, or romantic partner. Fortunately these skills can be honed.

Creative Arts curriculum implementation

The art forms of visual arts and drama can be thought about in a variety of ways. They play a significant role in how meaning is made in peoples lives. Visual arts and drama offer students and people of all ages opportunities for personal expression, enjoyment, creative action, imagination, emotional response, aesthetic pleasure and the creation of shared meanings.

Project Based Learning (PBL)

Every month an age appropriate legend and a theme is set in the monthly activities so that they learn a lot by doing seminars, debates, presentations and understand what it makes to become one and thus it becomes an inspiration for them.They are taught from young the need to comprehend and collaborate the learning that will enhance them to cope up the growth curve and prepare them for challenging roles in the future.

We give each child space for his /her creativity and innovation. We give them Project Based Learning so that students will be able to look at a problem from different perceptive and look for a solution which will prepare them to combat to the demands of the different industries /entrepreneurship that eventually children will need to perform in. We also give them value based learning to identify what is right and wrong and move accordingly. Soft skills development, leadership training, the art of self governance and crisis management are all given importance in our system of education.

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