Affiliation No: 931453
School No: 76468
peace school vengara

....nurturing world-class leaders

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....nurturing world-class leaders



There are several committees at Peace Public School, Vengara, to deal with specific realms of school life. Each committee has a head member who reports to the Principal,and conveys his/ her thoughts to the other members. Committees meet as required which may not be often if the members are in communication with each other anyway.

Peace Academic Council(PAC)

Peace Academic Council (PAC) exists to ensure that all curricula deliver on the promise of academic quality and standards, and include the learning and teaching model principles at PPS Vengara. The PAC shall discuss and recommend proposals affecting the academic program of the school, including but not limited to course proposals, selection of the text books, programme changes, addition and deletion of programmes, and general policies with impact on instruction and learning

Name Division Qualification Designation Voting/Non Voting
Mr. Abbas Vanimal Pedagogical Leadership MA, BEd. Chairman Non-Voting
Mrs. Fabeela CK Curriculum Scheduling BEd, CTET Member Voting
Jisha V. Early Childhood Care Education B Com Member Voting
Megha Pramod Science Education MSc, BEd .SET Member Voting
Shaiju P Social Sciences MA History Member Voting
Sabna Mathematics BSc , BEd Member Voting
Faseela M IT&AI MSc CS Member Voting
Geetha Lakshmi R Nair English BA ,BEd Member Voting
Khairunnissa Hindi MA , BEd Member Voting
Jaseela Illikkal Arabic MA,BEd Member Voting
Nimmy NC Malayalam MA , BEd Member Voting
Jaseem KT Health& Physical Education MPEd Member Voting
Mufeeda N Mental Health(EI) MSc Psychology Member Voting

Peace Staff Council(PSC)

The staff council is an advisory body to help the Principal in academic matters, school activities and in the maintenance of discipline. Some of the general administrative work of the school may be distributed by the Principal among the members of the Council or other staff.

Membership of a staff committee is a serious responsibility and requires the energy, efforts and imagination of all its members throughout the year. Committees should arrange to meet to plan how they can help in the smooth running of the school and engage the interest of the children during the year. All committees should seek to involve other staff and the students in their activities.

Name Department Designation
Mr. Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
Rafeedha P Sr. Teacher Secretary
Hafsath M Teacher Member
Rabiya CC Teacher Member
Shajira C Teacher Member
Sumithra VP Teacher Member
Shareefa Office (accountant) Member

Anti Sexual Harassment Committee (ASHC)/ Internal Complaints Committee(ICC)

Peace Public School,Vengara, is a co-education institute. As per the guidelines issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and CBSE instructions vide CBSE/Admn.I/14(6)/2004 dated February 16, 2004 on Sexual Harassment of Women and Students at work place in the institutions, it is obligatory for the school to constitute an Anti - Sexual Harassment Committee for female employees/girls (students) in the school.

A preliminary meeting will be held immediately on receipt of any complaint of Sexual harassment and the committee will enquire into the circumstances and member secretary will submit the findings within 03 working days to the Chairperson.

The present members of the complaints committee is constituted to deal with the complaints of sexual harassment in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the supreme court of India and the Act mentioned at Para 1 above relating to sexual harassment of women workers at work places and girls (students).

Name Domain Designation
Mr. Abbas Vanimal Head of the School Principal
Mrs. Fabeela CK Senior Head Teacher Chairperson
Jaseela Sr. Teacher Member Secretary
Mufeeda N Counsellor Member
Reshma K Social worker - PHC Member
Mumthas K PTA Executive Member
Shareefa Accountant Member
NithaUmmath Head Girl Member

School Safety Committee (SSC)

This safety committee is a group that aids and advises both management and employees on matters of safety and health pertaining to school operations. In addition, it performs essential monitoring, educational, investigative, and evaluative tasks.

The committee shall:
  • Make recommendations to those it advises on policies and strategies to improve school safety and student well-being;
  • Identify emerging issues and best practices for consideration and implementation, particularly as these relate to the integration of student well-being and school safety.
  • Establish priorities for training, statewide data collection and other forms of support for students, schools, and school districts.
  • Engage the public on school safety and student well-being.
  • Perform other duties as required by law
Name Domain Designation
Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
Abdul Gafoor M Station Officer[KFRS] Member
Hareesh KV Health Inspector Member
Faisal Tharammal SMC Chairman Member
Abbas Ali K SMC Member Member
Safeer KV PTA President Member
Munzir Admin Staff Member
Jafar Senior Teacher Member
Shamla M Primary Teacher Member
Muhammad Abaan Head Boy Member
AfrahSidhik Asst. Head Girl Member

School Programme Committee(SPC)

We have framed a functional School Programme Committee(SPC) to plan, coordinate and organize intra school programmes,games and competitions throughout the year, at least once a month. It's to monitor and oversee the effective execution of the activity plan. It also aims to initiate and guide programme evaluations and to facilitate discussions about programme priorities for the school.

Name Domain Designation
Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
Suhail CCA Coordinator Convenor
Luqmanul Hakeem Asst. CCA Coordinator Member
Fabeela CK Sr. Head Teacher Member
Jisha V Section Coordinator - KG Member
Faseela M Section Coordinator - Primary Member
Mufeeda N CCA Member Member
Mishhal VP Cultural Secretary-Peaceans’ Council Member
Rilwan KK Sports Secretary- Peaceans’ Council Member

Hygiene and Sanitation Committee (HSC)

Good Schools need Good Students and Good Students need Good Sanitation. Sanitation is at the core of human dignity and human progress. Access to sanitary toilets not only ensures dignity of the individual but also positively impacts health, well-being and productivity, reduces drop-out rates and encourages regular attendance in schools. Recognizing both the key significance of sanitation and the role of students as Agents of Change, the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development, Ministry of Urban Development and GIZ launched the National School Sanitation Initiative in 2009. The programme has gained momentum. Sanitation rating has been introduced and CBSE mandates all schools to get their ratings done. Other School Boards and individual schools are voluntarily joining the effort to provide good sanitation in schools!

We, at Peace Public School, Vengara, also ensures clean, healthy and hygienic toilets on each floor with hand washing facilities for boys and girls separately in proportion to the number of students. The toilets for the primary students are separate from other ones. There are separate toilets for staff too. Signage boards are displayed prominently in front of the toilets of all categories.

Adequate potable drinking water facility and sanitary napkin destroyers are also ensured on the floors.

Name Domain Designation
Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
Hafsath M Sr. Teacher Convenor
Munzir Admin staff Member
Fabeela CK Vice Principal Member
Rafeedha P Staff Council Secretary Member
Faseela M Section Coordinator - Primary Member
Jisha V Section Coordinator - KG Member
NimmyNC CCA Member Member
Mishhal VP Cultural Secretary-Peaceans’ Council Member
AabisAman Assistant Head Boy Member

Peace Evaluation Committee (PEC)


The PEC is an apex body of the institute which is headed by the Controller of Examinations (CE) and shall be facilitated by three sections: Examination, Record Maintenance and Administration. The main function of this committee is to administer the examinations, publish results and award certificates/report cards (provided by the school) to the students who pass the final examinations. Keeping the record of each exam and issue related to the examination is also the responsibilities of this committee.


To administer Internal and External Assessments and manage all related work as per school notifications and ordinance.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • The Evaluation Committee shall announce the commencement of the assessment and prepare relevant time tablefor each one.
  • The PEC also issues the timetable to the students along with the portion details.
  • The Evaluation Committee shall make the Block and Seating Arrangement and display them on the Notice Board in each class.
  • The PEC shall prepare and display an overall Supervision Duty Roster as well as Daily Supervision Duty List on the Staff Notice Board.
  • The PEC shall also make arrangement for adequate stationery like answer sheets, drawing sheets, charts, graph paper, drawing boards, trays, threads etc.
  • The PEC shall prepare and print sufficient number of hall tickets for each assessment and put up notice inviting students to collect them from the class teacher concerned.
  • Adequate Daily Attendance Sheet template and Face sheet for each bundle of Answer scripts for each class must be prepared.
  • The Committee shall hold a pre-exam meeting to brief the members of faculty with regard to the examination procedures, administration of the test, and the role and responsibilities of each member.
  • The committee should collect the Question Paper for each assessment from the Subject HODs/Coordinator concerned and got them printed sufficiently prior to each assessment.
  • The CE shall ensure that the paper valuation is completed on time and the same be sent to the school for Necessary Approval within 4 days from the date of the last examination date.
  • The CE shall also ensure the results are published on time andreport cards are generated accordingly.
  • Under the guidance of the CE, the Exam Cell shall analyze the exam results and the same shall be verified by the HODs concerned. After due verification, copies of the result analysis shall be sent to the Principal.
Name Domain Designation
Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
Rafeedha P Section Coordinator Controller of Internal Examinations
Faseela M Section Coordinator Controller of External Examinations
JaseelaIllikkal Subject Coordinator Member
Khairunnissa Subject Coordinator Member
MeghaPramod Subject Coordinator Member
Sabna Subject Coordinator Member

Child-Parent-Teacher Committee [CPT]

The CPT Committee (Child-Parent-Teacher Committee) is formed for resolving issues or problems among students at the school level. The CPT committee is in active cooperation with Child Welfare Officers in Police stations and Child Protection Committees at Local Self Government Department level in all schools.

Name Domain Designation
Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
Faseela M Teacher Representative Convenor
Haseena MP Teacher Representative Member
AyshaKhader PTA Executive Member
JaslaMuhammedVaris PTA Executive Member
AbiaManha Peaceans’ Council member Member
Fathima Dina Peaceans’ Council member Member

School Protection Group (SPG)

The School Protection Group (SPG) is formed to ensure safety of children and to curb tendency for juvenile delinquency as well as to protect children from becoming victims of illegal activities. The SPG is chaired by the Principal and the Station House Officer is the Convenor.

The SPG will
  • Take action to ensure traffic safety in the school area and surroundings.
  • Collect and communicate information regarding selling of supply of drugs and narcotic substances ,pornographic materials, sale of tobacco products, pan masala, alchoholic beverages etc
  • Collect information about students who go away from the school during class hours and loiter in the vicinity.
  • Keep a watch over persons who befriend children with a view to exploiting them for illegal or immoral activities.
Name Domain Designation
Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
MuhammedHaneefa M SHO Vengara Convenor
Sharafudheen MK Ward Member Executive Member
Rafi P PTA Executive Member
Ahamed Ashraf P PTA Executive Member
Rafeedha P Sr. Teacher Member
Jisha V Nair Sr. Teacher Member
KunhimoideenMattil Local Resident -merchant Member
Hassan Thattayil Local Auto Driver Member
Abdul Salam Transport Coordinator Member
Mariyam K Peaceans’ Council member Member
AyshaZiah Peaceans’ Council member Member

Internal Discipline Committee (IDC)

Discipline of the school is one of the yard sticks to assess the school performance. Discipline helps in creating conducive learning atmosphere. As such, it is important to have proper and systematic discipline policy in the school. The policy is also designed to promote fairness in taking disciplinary action.

Besides, the IDC also ensures the safety and security of the students. It keeps a sharp vigil upon the safety & security of all the students in the campus. The members of the said Committee make the students feel comfortable with the vicinity and School campus. It tries its best to provide them homely atmosphere in the campus.

IDC Functions as
  • Handling all disciplinary matters within the framework of Education Policy and Discipline Policy designed by the school.
  • Assessing school discipline status and making recommendation for promoting good discipline status.
  • Calling the defaulters and advising for improvement.
  • Making contact with the parents of the defaulters.
  • Keeping the Principal informed about the decision taken against any defaulters.
  • Keep records of all disciplinary matters.
  • To work for smooth Functioning of School.
  • To develop the etiquettes and self discipline among the students.
  • To maintain and monitor overall discipline in school.
  • To conduct the Regular meetings of the said Committee.
  • Incharge is solely responsible for the implementation of the activity/ programme in a befitting manner. Documentation is retained by the Incharge.
Name Domain Designation
Abbas Vanimal Principal Chairman
Jaseem KT Physical Educator Member
Rabiya CC Sr.Teacher Member
JishaVinod Sr.Teacher Member
Mufeeda N Student Counsellor Member
Sumithra VP Sr.Teacher Member
Hafsath M Sr.Teacher Member

Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)


A Grievance Redressal Committee has been formed in our school to settle genuine grievances of students, staff and parents up to a satisfactory level so as to create a healthy relationship among the students, parents and employers. The grievance will include any matter relating to students and staff. The committee is directed to contribute effectively to dispose of the grievances at the earliest.

  • To deals with all the genuine grievances of students and staff of the school
  • All complainant should submit their grievances to the committee either in writing or online via the school website.
  • The committee will meet at least once a month to resolve the grievances.
  • To take conclusive decision and submit its recommendations to the deciding authority for removal of alleged grievances.
  • The student/staff shall bring up his grievance in a prescribe format immediately to the grievance cell without fail. The number of grievance settled or pending will be reported to the Principal every month.

A 'Complaint Box' is provided at the ground floor in front of the office.

Name Designation Position in GRC Phone Number
Abbas Vanimal Principal Head of GRC 9946053053
Fabeela CK Senior Head Teacher Senior Consultant Available on request
JaseelaIllikkal Senior teacher Senior Consultant for girls Available on request
Jafar Senior teacher Senior Consultant for boys Available on request
AabisAman Asst Head Boy Student Consultant Available on request
AfrahSidhik Asst Head Girl Student Consultant Available on request
Kamarunnisa N PTA Executive Member Parent Consultant Available on request
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